Share a prayer request or question with the I AM A WATCHMAN ministry team by clicking here:
- A GLOSSARY of Bible Prophecy terms can be found here
- Information on how to be saved can be found here: https://iamawatchman.com/category/im-all-in/how-can-i-know-im-saved/
- An article and video teaching on How To Be Saved can be found here: https://iamawatchman.com/how-to-become-a-christian/
- An article on how to walk with the Lord can be found here: https://iamawatchman.com/what-believers-should-know-about-the-christian-walk/
- A devotional on renewing your faith can be found here: https://iamawatchman.com/falling-in-love-again/
- An article titled, Should every believer be baptized? can be found here: https://iamawatchman.com/every-believer-should-be-baptized/
- Antichrist: What does the Bible say about the Antichrist? (article) https://iamawatchman.com/the-antichrist-the-beast-of-revelation/
- Video Teaching on the Antichrist https://vimeo.com/260667541
- Can people be saved during the Tribulation? (article) https://iamawatchman.com/can-individuals-be-saved-during-the-tribulation/
- Damascus: What does the Bible say about Damascus? https://iamawatchman.com/damascus-the-damned/
- Gog-Magog War: What is the Gog – Magog Invasion? (article) https://iamawatchman.com/the-gog-magog-invasion/
- Mark of the Beast: What is the Mark of the Beast? (article) https://iamawatchman.com/5-things-the-bible-says-about-the-mark-of-the-beast/
- Interpreting Revelation: What are the different schools of thought for interpreting the book of Revelation? https://iamawatchman.com/interpreting-the-book-of-revelation-four-views/
- Millennium: What is the Millennial Reign of Christ? (article) https://iamawatchman.com/the-millennial-reign-of-christ/
- What is the Millennial Reign of Christ? (video teaching) https://iamawatchman.com/the-millennium-part-6-video-teaching/
- Millennial & Rapture views: What are the different Rapture and Millennial views? https://iamawatchman.com/prominent-rapture-and-millennial-views/
- What are the signs of the last days?
- Signs of the last days (part 1): https://iamawatchman.com/signs-of-the-last-days-part-1/
- Signs of the last days (part 2): https://iamawatchman.com/signs-of-the-last-days-part-2/
- Signs of the last days (part 3): https://iamawatchman.com/signs-of-the-last-days-part-3/
- Apostasy as a sign of the last days: https://iamawatchman.com/turning-away-apostasy-as-sign-of-the-last-days/
- Signs associated with the return of Christ – An interview with Amir Tsarfati: https://iamawatchman.com/a-view-from-the-wall-with-amir-tsarfati/
- THE RAPTURE (what is the Rapture?)
- This website is dedicated to helping individuals understand, and be prepared for, the Rapture: https://AmIRaptureReady.org
- What is the Rapture? (video teaching) https://iamawatchman.com/the-rapture-part-4-video-teaching/
- Five Reasons the Rapture Matters today: https://iamawatchman.com/5-reasons-the-rapture-matters-today/
- Interview with Pete Garcia about the Pre-Trib Rapture view: https://iamawatchman.com/interview-with-pete-garcia-2/
- THE RAPTURE (articles profiling the believer’s response to the Rapture)
- An article about anticipating the return of Christ can be found here: https://iamawatchman.com/im-so-excited-about-jesus-return/
- Articles profiling how to live like Christ would return today are presented below:
- Why should we live like Jesus could return today? https://iamawatchman.com/why-should-we-live-like-jesus-could-return-today/
- Living like today is my last day: https://iamawatchman.com/living-like-today-is-my-last-day/
- Start Sprinting Now: https://iamawatchman.com/start-sprinting-now/
- Articles profiling the need to witness are profiled below:
- The power of one’s witness – Light and Darkness (article) https://iamawatchman.com/light-and-darkness/
- Witnessing in such a time as this (article) https://iamawatchman.com/witnessing-in-such-a-time-as-this/
- THE RAPTURE KIT (what is the Rapture Kit?)
- The Rapture Kit resource is profiled on the Rapturekit.org website.
- A four-minute interview profiling the Rapture Kit is found here: https://vimeo.com/362149042
- An instructive video for how to access information from the Rapture Kit flash drive can be found here: https://vimeo.com/370165043
- Interviews profiling the Rapture Kit resource can be found here: https://iamawatchman.com/category/watchman-lifestyle/rapture-kit-profiles/
- A message to pastors: https://iamawatchman.com/a-message-to-pastors/
- An eBook for pastors: https://iamawatchman.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/01/How-and-Why-to-Teach-on-Bible-Prophecy1.pdf
- What is the Tribulation, and what will happen? https://iamawatchman.com/tribulation-period-prophecies/
- An article titled, What the Bible says is going to happen can be found here: https://amiraptureready.org/is-information-about-the-rapture-biblical/#partthree
- I AM A WATCHMAN: What it means to be a Watchman for the Lord:
- What does it mean to be a Watchman? teaching video: https://iamawatchman.com/category/im-all-in/how-can-i-know-im-saved/
- Being a Watchman in today’s world (article) https://iamawatchman.com/how-to-be-a-watchman-in-todays-world/
- A Watchman’s trajectory (devotional) https://iamawatchman.com/a-watchmans-trajectory/
- Seven habits every Watchman needs (article) https://iamawatchman.com/7-habits-every-new-watchman-needs/
- To be a Watchman (article) https://iamawatchman.com/to-be-a-watchman/
- Watchman 101- What is a biblical Watchman? (article) https://iamawatchman.com/watchman-101-what-is-a-biblical-watchman/